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--- Begin Message ---Russ:
Thanks. I know I need this tool, but I have another question along the same
I saw my director add a comment to a directory name in Windows. The comment
wasn't part of the name, but appeared out beside it. It that case it said, "Do
not mess with or delete this directory!" Now I need to know how to do the same
thing, and he can't remember how (absent-minded professor syndrome). I can
really see an application for this trick on the web server I'm working on. I
could actually document the structure! Does anyone out there know the trick?
If I knew it, not only would my job be easier and my server better organized,
but I'd impress the heck out of the techies I work with who do not know this
trick either!
Thanks for any advice!
--Susan Vineyard
Russ, Kerri wrote:
> Crossposted to Techwr-L, Winhlp-L and WordTips Digest
> Greetings, Techwhirlers!
> I saw a post a few weeks back on one of these lists asking how to print a
> Windows directory in order to double-check their help document contents (I
> can't remember which list it was so I'm crossposting). While it's possible
> to do this in DOS, there's a useful shareware utility called wonDirPrint,
> which can be found at http://www.joekerswild.com/products.htm. wonDirPrint
> displays any windows directory structure you specify and allows you to move
> the columns around, hide any columns you don't want to print, export the
> directory to another app, etc. I found it very useful and now I don't have
> to mess around in DOS anymore. Yippee!
> The site has two other utilities (MultiMark--renames multiple files in
> Windows and more, and Sander--file search and global text replace utility
> for Windows). I haven't had the need to use them so I can't comment on
> them, but they also many be useful to someone.
> This is not an advertisement, necessarily. My husband is the developer of
> the utilities and he's put his heart and soul into these utilities. When I
> saw the original posting asking how to do this, wonDirPrint wasn't done yet
> or I'd have posted then. I beta tested wonDirPrint and I love it, though
> for some reason, he didn't ask me to do the helpfile... hmmm... <g>
> Hope wonDirPrint comes in handy to those who need this function (other than
> me!).
> Kerri Russ
> Technical Writer
> From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000==
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