scuba diving questions
In the USA and Carribean islands, parasailing is a popular sport too. However, it is a little different. You start from a boat and you have a parachute and a harness that is attached with a cable. After you are in the harness, the boat speeds up and the cable line is let out through a wench so you fly high above the water with the parachute for about 10 minutes before the line is brought back in and you land safely in the boat again.Is PARASAILING a word/sport in English? Parasailing is a popular sport in Europe - especially in the Austrian / South German Alps - where you start on a favourable summit and will fly down by means of a small light-weight construction of wings. It is an art of (one-person - gliding, in the way Icarus did... If there is enough wind, you might do that in the Maldives as well.
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