Re: Oh no...not another newbie!

Subject: Re: Oh no...not another newbie!
From: "Meek, DavidX L" <davidx -dot- l -dot- meek -at- INTEL -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 10:58:55 -0700

Katav wrote:

>Perhaps I am way out in left field (again), but to my
>Winnie-the-Pooh mentality, it seems logical that a
>person should have SOME experience in a discipline
>BEFORE undertaking a master's program (in that

I have to disagree with the statement above. Though my BA is in English,
and I have no business background, I earned a master's in Business
Management. The degree program recognized that I had already completed the
core ciriculum (by earning my BA), so my business coursework concentrated
specifically on business classes. I also had to take several, basic,
business classes (such as Introductory Accounting) that someone with a
bachelor's degree in business would already have had before starting on the
master's program.

I don't believe this situation is unusual, either. If I recall correctly,
people can earn degrees in medicine in the same manner. At least when I
went to college, there was no formal "pre-med" program; it was basically a
core ciriculum to earn a bachelor's degree, and then on to an MD program.
I've known quite a few doctors and lawyers whose bachelor's degrees and work
experience are completely unrelated to their medical and law degrees.

When it comes to medicine, I'd much prefer my doctor to receive education
BEFORE he received experience.

(Any statements made above are mine, and mine alone.)

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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