Job Posting: Sr. Writer w. network experience, North of Boston

Subject: Job Posting: Sr. Writer w. network experience, North of Boston
From: "Campbell, Art" <artc -at- NORTHCHURCH -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 18:03:26 -0400

A startup network equipment company has an opening for a full-time...

Senior Technical Communicator

Requires telco or network tools and/or hardware documentation experience.
Switch and/or router experience a strong plus.
Demonstrated track record of planning, developing, and completing new
from scratch. Hands-on experience with equipment a strong plus; potential to

become a subject matter expert is desirable.
At least five year's experience among several employers would be nice.

FrameMaker is the doc development environment. We'll also be working in
.pdf and HTML (possibly HTML Help), so Acrobat, Front Page, Homesite or
tool experience is highly desirable. Familiarity with WinHelp (created with
Doc-To-Help or RoboHelp/HTML) or other online help environments is a plus.
Visio, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop and similar graphics tools will be used;
experience would be nice, but not required.

Degree in a relevant discipline such as English, Journalism, Tech Writing;
possibly CS or EE.
Advanced degree a plus, but not required.

Personal flexibility is required. This is a start-up environment; many
may need to be invented as we go along. Ability to work independently but in

a coordinated fashion as a critical part of a team.

Salary is market rate, good benefits package, flextime, etc.

If you're interested, please send a resume (.PDF, Word, or FrameMaker
work for electronic submissions) to:

Art Campbell
(artc -at- northchurch -dot- net)
Technical Publications
Northchurch Communications
Five Corporate Drive
Andover, MA 01810

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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