Re: QUERY: Switch or Switcher?

Subject: Re: QUERY: Switch or Switcher?
From: "Campbell, Art" <artc -at- NORTHCHURCH -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 11:15:03 -0400

Newton's Telecom Dictionary, which is my personal bible of the industry,
"Switcher" only as a video industry term; not telecom or networking. I've
never heard
it used in any network context, either LAN or WAN before. I'm writing switch
router doc and I don't believe I'd use it anywhere.

I'd go with "switch" throughout if I were you.

P.S. Newton's is well worth picking up if you're going to be doing much of

Art Campbell
Technical Publications
Northchurch Communications
Five Corporate Drive
Andover, MA 01810
978 691-6344

-----Original Message-----
From: Julie Pitt [mailto:Julie_Pitt -at- SIGNALCORP -dot- COM]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 10:20 AM
Subject: QUERY: Switch or Switcher?

(Cross-posted to CE-L and TECHWR-L)

Are the terms "switch(es)" and "switcher(s)" interchangeable in the
world? For context, we're talking about spanning tree protocol and how it
affects users logging on and off of networks. I will be editing an article
written by a senior network engineer here, and he seems to switch (pardon
word choice) among these terms freely, without any discernible difference in
meaning. When I asked him about it, he was pretty vague; he tends to be a
speller, so I wasn't sure if "switcher" was a typo or not. Then I ran into
term on a Web page, so now I'm really not sure.

Julie, who wasn't switched at birth
julie_pitt -at- signalcorp -dot- com
Fairfax, VA

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