Re: A Company That *Really* Wants a Writer/Editor

Subject: Re: A Company That *Really* Wants a Writer/Editor
From: Melonie Holliman <melonie -dot- holliman -at- TXEXMTA4 -dot- AMD -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 11:40:20 -0500


Isn't it nice that we have a wide variety of options?
Let's see, what are they all:

* Planning and organization
* Designing and formatting
* Writing
* Editing
* Translation
* Graphics
* User interface design

What other areas does our profession cover? You can
specialize in one, or enjoy a wide variety of challenges
like me.

I enjoy having the formatting and designing thrown in. I would
hate writing all day long, it is too intensive--my brain needs
a break. I also enjoy the project planning and organization.
Graphics make the day go quicker. But I absolutely HATE
editing. Oh, well! The job cannot be perfect, I guess.

One thing I have to say for diversification over specialization:
I qualify for the majority of the jobs I see posted these days.
It is a nice feeling to know, especially since I am a contractor.

That brought up another question: is it possible to be a contractor
and specialize rather than generalize?

Melonie R. Holliman
Technical Writer
CPD Marketing
Advanced Micro Devices

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elizabeth Vollbach [SMTP:bethvollbach -at- EARTHLINK -dot- NET]
> It took me a long time, but I finally found one--a company that
> advertised for a tech writer/editor that didn't *really* want a
> typist/formatter. Since 1995 I have interviewed for so, so many jobs,
> all claiming to want a writer/editor and all requiring, above all else,
> that I am proficient with a certain word processing or DTP program. Now,
> instead of feeling out of touch and bored at an STC meeting when I
> listen all evening to the people at my dinner table talking about the
> advantages and disadvantages of Word or FrameMaker or a certain font, I
> can listen with satisfaction and thank God I am one of the few lucky
> ones who went to college for more than that.

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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