Any notable experiences with HP emulated postscript?

Subject: Any notable experiences with HP emulated postscript?
From: Mary Perchanok <perchanok -dot- bailey -at- SYMPATICO -dot- CA>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 12:11:37 -0500

I'm sorely in need of a printer and I've been looking at the HP2100M.
It's the right price but I'm leery of postscript emulation versus Adobe

I've checked the archives and have found workarounds to postscript
related pinting problems, but what I need is some evaluation of HP's
emulated postscript. (I guess I'm looking for a perfect world where the
printer I can afford works just fine and workarounds are not necessary.)

I'm mostly concerned about typographic detail. Does HP postscript
emulation do a good job printing scaled typefaces? Kerning? Reverses?
Rotated text and objects? Acrobat PDFs? As well, how does it do on
graphics saved as EPS?

I'm working on a Mac with Word 8, Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop and

Mary Perchanok
perchanok -dot- bailey -at- sympatico -dot- ca

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