Re: Dynamic HTML question

Subject: Re: Dynamic HTML question
From: Sergej Rinc <info -at- SINONIM -dot- SI>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:08:37 +0200


you cannot jump from that link if the dialog box
is displayed for ever Mouseover event. Change your code to either:

<a href="#" onMouseover="javascript:alert('Please check the Release Notes
before referring to the user manual.';
window.location='yourdocument.htm';)">Document Name</a>

or even better
<a href="javascript:alert('Please check the Release Notes before referring
to the user manual.'; window.location='yourdocument.htm';)">Document

so the dialog appears only if a user selects the link and then jumps to
your document. I think this is more intuitive, too. You have one problem for
the first case: if user's browser doesn't support events (tags, like
onMouseover) in which case you will have to include href tag. In the second
JavaScript is the issue (if it's not enabled in a browser, it won't work). I
think these won't be an issue for you.

You could expand this to offer a question for a user if he wants to see
Release Notes. If he selects yes, then these are displayed, if not, manual
is displayed. Something like this:

<a href="javascript:if (confirm('Would you like to see the Release Notes
before referring to the user manual?')) { window.location='RelNotes.htm'; }
else { window.location='manual.htm'; };">Document Name</a>

Much more understandable. Guess you'll build up additional functionality
(such as really asking Yes/No with a custom function instead of using this
javascript window method of Yes/Cancel - users might get confused what
Cancel will do etc). And for additional JavaScript resources turn to for

Good luck,
Sergej Rinc, Doc-To-Help Certified Trainer
Tehnical Director, Sinonim d.o.o.
Prekorje 49, 3211 Skofja vas, faks/BBS +386 63 411 448
mailto:info -at- sinonim -dot- si,

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Collier <mcollier -at- ARLUT -dot- UTEXAS -dot- EDU>
Sent: 13. april 1999 19:58
Subject: Dynamic HTML question

> The code below brings up an alert box, but I need the alert box to go
> away when the user clicks OK.
> Any suggestions on how to modify the code so the alert comes up, and
> then allows the user to return to the link?
> <a href="whatever" onMouseover="alert('Please check the Release Notes
> before referring to the user manual.')">Document Name</a>

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