adjustable drawing container in Word 98?

Subject: adjustable drawing container in Word 98?
From: William Courington <billc -at- FORWORD -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 08:32:06 -0700

I am writing a report in Word98 (Mac version of Word97).
I want to embellish it with a few simple block diagrams--
boxes with centered labels, connecting lines
or arrows, adjacent text labels, that sort of thing.

Word's drawing tools seem up to the job. My problem is creating a
suitable "container" to draw in. I want a container that:
- is anchored to a paragraph so it maintains position relative to
that paragraph as text before it is added and deleted.
- has boundaries that can be adjusted to make room for additional
drawing objects, or tightened up when objects are deleted.
In short, I want a FrameMaker "anchored frame."

I tried a text box; it was clipped when it got pushed to the bottom of the

I have tried a Word picture. It will move to the next page if there's no
room on the current one. However, I see no way to resize it in the picture
editor. Resizing by dragging the handles in the main window scales the
objects inside. That's not what I want; I want a bigger or smaller container.

I have tried drawing in PowerPoint, but Word imports the whole page,
rather than just the part with the drawing.

There must be a simple way to accomplish this simple task in Word.
Otherwise, how would people write technical reports or books in Word?

Bill Courington

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