Re: Finding tech comm books / Wiley Library

Subject: Re: Finding tech comm books / Wiley Library
From: John Solomon <conference -at- SOL-SEMS -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 18:19:52 +0000

Jill Burgchardt wrote:

>The upshot is that I usually buy books sight unseen based
>on recommendations from this list. What other solutions
>have people found for the lack of browsing access for
>books in our field?
>Although I've seen software vendors at STC conferences,
>I've never seen book vendors (I've only been to regional,
>not national). Has anyone tried putting together a book
>fair through their local STC?
>Anyone have other ideas?

Yes, there is another "solution". Check the SOLUTIONS
Tech Comm Bookstore:

SOLUTIONS sells only top-notch publications. In the past
year, we've provided our bookstore service at regional and
international conferences. Our selection is based on years
of experience with top-name educators in the field of
technical communication and the constant feedback we
receive from our audience. A number of the Wiley titles
that Avon Murphy recently mentioned are included in our

- Larry Bonura's The Art of Indexing
- Marlana Coe's Human Factors for Technical Communicators
- JoAnn Hackos' Managing Your Documentation Projects
- Nancy Hoft's International Technical Communication

Please check our website for a full list of titles or
contact us by email, phone, or fax for information. If you
at the SOLUTIONS website guestbook, you are
automatically entered into our monthly drawing for a free
book of your choice. The winner may choose ANY title from
our selection.

We appreciate all feedback on our selection of titles.

John Solomon
Reading, Massachusetts USA
800-448-4230 or 781-942-1610
781-942-1616, fax
conference -at- sol-sems -dot- com

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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