Re: Some Advice Needed

Subject: Re: Some Advice Needed
From: Michelle Vina-Baltsas <Michelle_Vina-Baltsas -at- US -dot- CRAWCO -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 12:36:43 -0400


We don't do a "quick guide" per say, but we do "quick cards." Quick cards
describe the icons, briefly describe some of the report types, etc. They are
small (8.5" x5.5") and are printed on a light cardboard. Our clients seem to
find them useful because they can cart them around a little easier than the
reference guide.


Deborah Cooper <dcooper -at- EDISPATCH -dot- COM> on 04/16/99 11:18:04 AM

Please respond to Deborah Cooper <dcooper -at- EDISPATCH -dot- COM>

cc: (bcc: Michelle Vina-Baltsas/CRAWFORDCO/US)
Subject: Some Advice Needed

I'm hoping that some of you can advise me on an idea I just

I write the documentation for a software package. The package
is not that complex to computer users, but to novice users, it
can be a little daunting. We have our manual, which describes
each procedure in text, followed by a numbered step-by-step
instruction set.

My question: have any of you created a smaller quick-fix
tip-sheet, or whatever you want to call it, that just lists the
steps needed to perform each task? Sort of like a cheat-sheet

For example:

To add a new device to our application, you can

-add the new device
-edit the device's info
-delete the device from the system
-query the device

The manual has full explanations of how to do all these steps,
but I'm wondering if it would be beneficial to have a separate
booklet listing just the basics of adding, editing, and deleting
devices from our system.

This would be applied to about 20 different "things or concepts"
in our app. The booklet could have one page devoted to each
thing, in this case, one page would be devoted to Devices.

Thanks for the input!

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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