Re: Single Sourcing

Subject: Re: Single Sourcing
From: "Marilyn Baldwin (mlbb -at- capgroup -dot- com)" <Marilyn_Baldwin -at- CAPGROUP -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 10:34:39 -0700

Sean Brierly commented:
> I think the paperless office, of which I have been hearing since
> before I went to university, will only happen when there are no
> more trees (and then we will have more pressing issues). I have
> seen the use of paper increase tremendously with the advent of
> the computer, or, more accurately, the printer, especially in
> the home.

I've had this sentiment hanging on my wall for nearly three years. It's from an
Anonymous poster on CompuServe's DTP forum:
"The paperless office is about as likely as the paperless bathroom."

It's my own belief that no matter how many neat websites are developed, PDF
created, interactive help designed, etc., most people will still frequently want
print for a variety of reasons: it's easier to flip pages than to screen up and
repeatedly; you can write notes or stick post-its in a printout; you can carry
over to someone else's desk and read a portion to them (or make a photocopy for
them); the very act of seeing a page's worth of text is DIFFERENT from seeing a
screen's worth; having a printed copy in everyone's hands at a review meeting
when some people are teleconferencing in) is a lot more effective (and
in many cases than individual online review - well, lots of reasons, too many to

That said, I really do try to think first before killing another tree's worth of

- Marilyn Baldwin
(mlbb -at- capgroup -dot- com)

"Brierley, Sean" <Brierley -at- QUODATA -dot- COM> on 04/16/99 08:11:35 AM

Please respond to "Brierley, Sean" <Brierley -at- QUODATA -dot- COM>

cc: (bcc: Marilyn Baldwin/CDS/CG/CAPITAL)
Subject: Re: Single Sourcing

Has anyone achieved true single sourcing? Is this goal a myth, much like the
paperless office concept?

I use FrameMaker to create my printed documentation. I can go to offset
press via PS files or Docutek directly. I create PDFs for on-line books and
will shortly be using WebWorks publisher to make on-line help (leaving
behind RoboHelp and MS Word). Is that really going to be single sourcing?

While I am hopeful, I am nagged by my strong desire to create on-line help
as its own project, separate from the printed book: I perceive the
information needs to be different and chunked differently. I am held back in
this desire by the realities of deadlines, staffing, and documentation as

I enjoy telling people how great PDF is, you can update a book with one
download, you don't have the expense of printing to or shipping paper, and
color is free. But, do my customers really use the PDF file beyond griping
about having to print out their own books?

Should single-sourcing include true web sites or is web-based help enough?

I think the paperless office, of which I have been hearing since before I
went to university, will only happen when there are no more trees (and then
we will have more pressing issues). I have seen the use of paper increase
tremendously with the advent of the computer, or, more accurately, the
printer, especially in the home. Is single-sourcing such a myth, is
single-sourcing really going to happen? Are Blue-Sky and their marketeers
right? More importantly, in communicating information, do we want single
sourcing? I'm not sure I do.

sean -at- quodata -dot- com

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