HELP REQUEST Managing Documentation and Scopes of Work

Subject: HELP REQUEST Managing Documentation and Scopes of Work
From: CHIG <chiggins -at- CONTINUUMPERFORMANCE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 09:36:53 -0400


I am a new department in a small software co. in CT that has not
historically taken the consideration it should with its documentation. I
have just finished my first user guide for a small utility interface and
experienced disaster getting it out - I was bullied and pushed around like a
three legged dog.

When I take this situation in hand - or paw - starting now - I am going to
need to have my teradactyls in a row. Establishing a protocol for producing
documentation here, receiving or being able to gather the info to create a
Scope of Work for the documentation project, and responding with an estimate
of turnaround time from notification to product testing to drafts and
editing to notifying subs and production of the document in its preferred
media are all concerns of mine.

I would like help from any and all who feel so inclined to give me their two
cents worth - even if its just a kibble left at the door of my dog house, it
will be appreciated, I can assure.


Any established time frames you think appropriate for the following tasks:

Project Phases
? Receive Notification:
? Request Scope of Work
? Receive Scope of Work:
? Review and revise Scope of Work, including gathering existing versions,
docs, etc.
? Give time turnaround estimate
? Product testing and review:
? Query and evaluate user response to specifics in software
? Draft media : outline content in document media
? review for content - involve tech review according to SOW
? 1st draft write first draft of text
? edit for content - review w/ technicals for changes and technical
corrections also for teminology
? 2nd draft revise text content? screen captures? format
? proof for consistency and style
? Submit for Approval
? Submit for Production

How does that sound for a Project outline? Anyone want to offer suggestions
on it and time frames appropriate - such as XX hours of documentation work
per screen of script or something that gets me to the real vs conventionally
allowed time estimate for producing documentation please help

Cheryl L. Higgins
Manager, Documentation
Continuum Performance Systems, Inc.
chiggins -at- continuumperformance -dot- com

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