Re: Why do U want to be a Tech Writer?

Subject: Re: Why do U want to be a Tech Writer?
From: John Posada <jposada01 -at- YAHOO -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:11:47 -0700

Well. Ivan...why DO you want to be a technical writer?

You cannot use my reason just like I wouldn't be able
to use yours. That's like someone trying to tell you
what the best color is without any additional

The issue is not what is the right answer to this
question, but what are you doing wrong that answerng a
question like that makes you look like an idiot. If
you cannot answer a question like this with the truth
without looking like an idiot, chances are you look
like an idot when answering other questions too.

So, how are you answering it?

--- Ivan Gelicall <ivan_gelicall -at- HOTBOT -dot- COM> wrote:
> All-
> When I go on an interview, the interviewer always
> asks: Why did you want to become a Tech Writer?
> I find this question hard to answer, because if I
> answer from the heart I seem like an idiot. And if I
> try to answer in some professional way it seems to
> come off as flip.
> Is there a way to answer this question and still
> sound somewhat intelligent?
> Thanks,
> IG

John Posada
Western Union International
(w) jposada -at- westernunion -dot- com
(p) john -at- tdandw -dot- com
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