Re: The Worst Thing About Contracting- a View from the Flip Side

Subject: Re: The Worst Thing About Contracting- a View from the Flip Side
From: Kathryn Poe <ksmp -at- CYBERRAMP -dot- NET>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 19:59:52 -0500


Not to be one to flagellate a deceased equine but I feel the need to
comment on experiences like Connie's.

I was a full time Tech Writer for 5 years when I got the urge to see
what else was out in the big, bad world. I worked with a few
contractors before I leapt and sometimes learned cool things. There
were others who spent too much time trying to justify their fees and/or
oxygen intake. The same could be said of our full time staff as well.

First, I used a local agency for my last contract because they came
through for me. The money is fine but that's not the main reason I
chose the agency route. Quite simply I didn't want to have to do the
administrative tasks and have the frustration of fun things like
collections! I have more time to concentrate on my actual job this

Second, I just finished up a contract at a big company where I learned a
little, taught a lot, and still got the work done. While my primary job
was to update and document a process that was corpulent at best, that
wasn't the fun part. I met many nice employees who had little or no
training on the software they needed to use each day. Before I knew it
I became "She who knows all things computer" and spent time teaching
folks things from MS Office basics to "How to Double Click". (I am not
joking- I found my boss one day trying to build a table using Word Art
because he didn't know what the Table Pull Down menu was for!) I made
OK money, received 4 performance awards and made friends I'll always

The worst thing about contracting? It's when the job is done and you
have to leave behind great people you've met along the way. Beyond
that, it's been great!

Kathryn Poe Ursa Minor Services
"For when you can no longer bear your documents."
kpoe -at- ursaminorservices -dot- com 214.692.6780

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