Re: Road blocks in negotiating raise

Subject: Re: Road blocks in negotiating raise
From: "Thiessen, Christopher E" <Christopher -dot- E -dot- Thiessen -at- CERIDIAN -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 12:22:12 -0400

Earlier, John Sheridan-Smith responded to Anonymous about
salary challenges. I'm afraid I agree with John, and I live on
the US side of the pond. The first few jobs (unless you have
a mentor who helps you in salary negotiations) provide valuable
and sometimes expensive lessons in the job market. That's why
you can move from one job to another, and probably why
the previous writer left the company as well. If you've an
excellent opportunity to do something but at minimal pay, you
(and you alone) are the ultimate arbiter of how long you
stay at that opportunity before moving along. If you sense
that management is unwilling to move into the salary range you
believe you deserve/need, acquire the necessary skills and
move along.

On the other hand, if you're somewhere you like and you get
to do cool stuff and you get paid "what you're worth" (whatever
that may be), count yourself very fortunate indeed.

Chris Thiessen
christopher -dot- e -dot- thiessen -at- ceridian -dot- com

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