WP (is that a werty derd?)

Subject: WP (is that a werty derd?)
From: Kevin McLauchlan <KMcLauchlan -at- CHRYSALIS-ITS -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 14:43:58 -0400

Having regularly seen reference (in this list) to:

MS Word
Some SGML editor
Ventura (more rarely)

and possibly things like Tex and TAG for the Unix
crowd (that don't use Frame...), I wonder does
anybody use (gasp) Word Perfect?

Any other wp and dtp in wide use?
How about in narrow-but-fanatical use?

Quark is it for fancy stuff (i.e., if it isn't the kind
of thing that needs Frame, but you want it professional
you use Quark)?

Is that about the shape of the landscape?

(I think I'm mostly addressing those who have some
say in the matter, versus those who have "the corprate
standard" thrust upon them, though I'm interested to
know about the latter, as well.)

Kevin McLauchlan
kmclauchlan -at- chrysalis-its -dot- com (aka kevinmcl -at- netrover -dot- com)
Journeyman techy writer, duffer skydiver, full-time unrepentent chocoholic

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