Linux and techwhirlers

Subject: Linux and techwhirlers
From: Kevin McLauchlan <KMcLauchlan -at- CHRYSALIS-ITS -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 14:42:30 -0400

Is anybody using Linux as their work platform?
Or has everybody got it installed on an alternate
partition for spare-time tinkering, only?

Is there a sufficiently-capable array of tools, yet?

I guess you can't overlook Corel's WP, but how
about real DTP? Anything you'd care to trust with
your livelihood?

How about a solid, trustable illustration app under

Other office apps: presentation? Spreadsheet?
Database? Project? Mail?

Is there anything like Visual C or Visual Basic?

For that matter, does anybody have anything
enlightening to say about flavors of Linux? I'm
interested from the perspective of bread'n'butter
working tools. I realize Linux still hasn't arrived
for the masses, but has it achieved a level that
could interest a capable computer professional
who is not afraid to get his/her fingers dirty, but
who demands reliability and capability in the system
and the tools?

Normally, I try to check the archives before I ask
a question, but in this case, even a four-month-old
conversation on the topic would be hopelessly dated...

Regards to all,

Kevin McLauchlan
kmclauchlan -at- chrysalis-its -dot- com (aka kevinmcl -at- netrover -dot- com)
Long-time techy writer, duffer skydiver, full-time unrepentent chocoholic

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