Re: Official name for the @ symbol?

Subject: Re: Official name for the @ symbol?
From: CASSIN Gilles <GCassin -at- MEGA -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 11:33:50 +0100

Huber, Mike wrote:
<snip>Try French <snip>, there's an official standards body to tell
people when they are using it wrong.<snip>

Well, it's only recommendation to avoid anglicisms everybody uses and
the recomendation is most of the time deep buried (never heard the word
"Syntoniseur", only saw it printed on notices.).
There are rows as regards the use of "le ministre" or "la ministre" when
it concerns a woman (the government says "la", the French academy says
As regards the at sign name, there are two words in French: arobasque
and arobase. The ampersand is called 'perluète', 'esperluete', et
'hirondelle' (the latest being also used for the cross printers marks is
to be avoided).
Everybody writes and says CD-Rom (the recommended "cédérom" must have
been thought by academicians that think it's a revival of roman silver
mirrors with a nice drawing on the back), and e-mail or mail (canadians
say "couriel", the official thing in France is "mél"), and I haven't
heard of any gulag built for infringers. (That's normal, it's a secret
thing. Well, there are no more vanishing at small hours in black Volgas
than usual since they issued these words.)

OTopic: I'm looking for net resources: -about software localization
(rather a list, I searched and found many loc. companies/soft. vendors)
- About the offcicial holidays in the world (a compendium,
please don't mail me YOURficial off days)
- About the equivalent of trades the most frequently used for
the generic term (such as a Kleeyounowwhat for tissue)
Thanx in advance.

OTopicButConcerningThisList: there are be strange "more than 10 answers"
rejections that arrive three or four days after I send a mail (though it
is in the list), and strange duplications (there are also triplications,
the worst being an heptaplication) of mails in the list. Am I the only
one to suffer from these gremlins?

"Le rouge est une couleur proche du bleu, mais pas trop" P. Desproges
mailto:gcassin -at- mega -dot- com
+33 1 42 75 40 22
My opinions are mine, and neither you nor my company can take credit for
them. YOU can cite them if you think they were of use.

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