Negative Feedback

Subject: Negative Feedback
From: Sam Buttice <sbuttice -at- TRANSPORT -dot- BOMBARDIER -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 10:25:37 -0400


I have to agree with John on this one. One of our resposibility as TWs to
ensure our audience reads a document that is as clear and concise as
possible. Why then should we beat around the bush when working with each
other to develop the document?

You are trying to be a "nice guy" (I know, I know, I'm being PC) doing a
job that sometimes requires you to be direct, firm, and of course
diplomatic. I expect the person paid to comment on my work to do exactly
that (whether the comments are good or bad) but please make it clear. This
way I can avoid repeating the same mistakes and I can grow as a TW (i.e.,
make bigger and better mistakes <grin>).

Sam Buttice
Technical Writer

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