Standard cancel buttons?

Subject: Standard cancel buttons?
From: Geoff Hart <Geoff-h -at- MTL -dot- FERIC -dot- CA>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 11:11:09 -0400

John Posada wondered <<In most applications, when you
issue a command that generates a dialog box with [yes] or
[no] buttons, is it customary to also include a [cancel] button
or is this on a case-by-case basis?>>

I have absolutely no usability data to support this, but
personally, I hate dialog boxes without a "cancel" button, and
the more so when the dialog info. really isn't written so that
"yes" and "no" are the correct answers to the question. If
nothing else, "cancel" lets me say "damn... I'm really not sure
this will do what I want it to; let me click cancel, open the
help file, and try again if I'm really sure". Sometimes a yes or
no simply doesn't tell me this, and I have to leap into oblivion
trusting my instincts and remembering those times I've been

--Geoff Hart @8^{)} Pointe-Claire, Quebec
geoff-h -at- mtl -dot- feric -dot- ca

"Patience comes to those who wait."--Anon.

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