Re: Engineers

Subject: Re: Engineers
From: Stuart Evans <stuarte -at- ARTISANSW -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 17:43:38 +0100

Your colleague seems to be a person whose opinion can be safely ignored.
I have not experienced that attitude.

I feel that it's up to you to prove your worth. As a TA you are in a
unique position:
- You are a grammatical expert.
- You are continuously looking at the product from an end user's

Make sure that you contribute to these areas of the product:
- The User Interface - writing about the user interface quickly
identifies where it doesn't work, where it isn't consistent, and where
the grammar used is less than perfect.
- Error Messages - can be painful if left to some engineers. Make sure
you review them.
- Bug Reporting and Enhancements - don't document around the short
comings of a product, get the product changed.

Be proactive and make a difference. Make that colleague eat her words.

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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