Re: engineers

Subject: Re: engineers
From: Carma C Allen <ccallen -at- BECKMAN -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 15:41:21 -0800

I sent this to Just Another Canadian, Eh? earlier, but since the discussion
has stretched out to include a variety of experiences, I decided to also
post it to the list. People should also revisit Eric Ray's message
(3/25/99), Thoughts on working WITH developers...

> Is this typical? Or is this simply the musings of a naive young
intellect, without
exposure to the real world? Just hoping it's different in real life.

Naive and young, yes. Intellect? I don't think so.

Most of the engineers I work with (and those I have worked with in past
years) respect my skills and even tolerate (sometimes welcome, even) my
input on user needs, etc. Many -- past and present -- have asked my help
with writing engineering specs, patent applications, etc. -- stuff that is
normally outside the scope of the publications group. The ones with
attitudes like your coworker's are not the norm, in my experience.

ccallen -at- beckman -dot- com

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