Re: HTML Help: cutting out users?

Subject: Re: HTML Help: cutting out users?
From: Donna Williams <r3592z -at- EMAIL -dot- SPS -dot- MOT -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 08:33:30 -0700

There are other products out there that you may want to evaluate before
you make a purchase, for instance ForeHelp.

Donna Williams

Alfred Barten wrote:
> At 05:24 PM 4/23/99 -0400, Atticus Fisher wrote:
> >To All:
> >
> >I was wondering what the conventional wisdom is regarding HTML help and
> >system reqirements of users' computers. Our software is used primarily by
> >the banking industry which is notoriously conservative in terms of computer
> >hardware and software (ie--Old School). I'm worried that by choosing to use
> >RoboHTML I will cut out a considerable swath of bankers who are still using
> >Win 3.1 and/or don't have browsers installed. I guess I might be answering
> >my own question here by saying that I should stick with RoboHelp, but I
> >thought some of you folks might have some insight on the limitations of HTML
> >help. Unfortunately, Blue Sky was of no great assistance, as they no longer
> >provide phone support for our version of RoboHelp (5.0) and sales person was
> >unreachable.
> As I understand it, RoboHelp lets you deliver your product as WebHelp,
> which is not browser-specific or platform-specific. The end user does have
> to have a browser installed, however. HTML Help is IE-specific, so the end
> user must have IE installed. I haven't had occasion to use WebHelp but have
> read some not-so-encouraging comments about it here on the list. Assuming
> your end users are all using Windows 3.x or higher, delivering WinHelp is
> the way to go. All of my work is in WinHelp, which has at least one feature
> that HTML-based systems don't have (or at least not as effectively):
> pop-ups. I make extensive use of pop-ups because they appear and disappear
> quickly and are sized to the content (i.e., they're attractive).
> Al Barten
> Tech Writer
> Pittsfield, MA
> From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000==

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title:          Technical Writer
note:           Each and every experience, be it positive or negative, is an opportunity!
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