ANNOUNCE: Help University and Microsoft Announce Strategic Partnership

Subject: ANNOUNCE: Help University and Microsoft Announce Strategic Partnership
From: Alec Sonenthal <alec -at- GREENBROOK -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 16:41:16 -0500

Help University and Microsoft Announce Strategic Partnership -- Includes
Benefits for Help Authors, Conference Speakers, and Help Tool Vendors

ORLANDO, Florida - April 23, 1999 - Help University and Microsoft are
pleased to announce a strategic partnership focused on delivering the
best conferences in the online help industry. The partnership includes
naming Help University's conferences as the exclusive help industry
venue for Microsoft exhibitions and sponsorships in North America.

The first conference to benefit from this partnership is Help
University's Fall 99 Help Conference to be held November 1-4, 1999 in
Dallas, Texas. See for
more details.

"The partnership of Help University and Microsoft is great news for
conference attendees, conference speakers, and help tool vendors," said
Peter Plamondon, Group Program Manager in Microsoft's Developer
Relations Group. "If you want to learn about the Windows standard for
help technology, HTML Help, or its predecessor, WinHelp, attend a Help
University conference. Help University's years of experience organizing
help conferences and their long-standing relationship with the great
speakers of the help industry, ensures conference attendees will return
home with new skills, sharp insights into best industry practices, and a
fresh perspective into evolving help technology."

"Attendees can visit with the most comprehensive exhibition of help
authoring tools to be found anywhere," said Alec Sonenthal, President of
Help University, "as a result of the innovative business development
program developed by Help University, and supported by Microsoft. And
with special events like Microsoft's HTML Help Carnival, you know you're

going to have a good time too!"

"A conference is only as good as its speakers, and to ensure attendees
hear from the best speakers in the industry, Help University's speaker
program breaks new ground," said MJ Plaster, Executive Vice President of
Help University. "Speakers not only receive an industry-leading
compensation package, but through the partnership with Microsoft,
speakers receive unparalleled opportunities to stay on the cutting edge
of help technology
and software."

Speakers receive special access to Microsoft staff at Help University
events, invitations to special HTML Help 'design reviews' conducted by
Microsoft's Developer Relations Group and held at Microsoft's Redmond
Washington campus, and complimentary copies of Microsoft software like
Office 2000 Premium, saving speakers hundreds of dollars in software

For more information on Help University conferences, speaker program or
business development program for help tool vendors, as well as vast
array of information and services for the online help community, visit
the Help University web site at

Alec Sonenthal, President
Help University, Inc.

Sponsor of Help University's Help '99 Conference

Sponsor of HelpNet and

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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