Re: Foreign language translation of Winhelp rtfs

Subject: Re: Foreign language translation of Winhelp rtfs
From: Tom Brophy <tom -at- TCRAFT -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 22:09:42 +0100

Hi Sean,

> I've noticed that while many recognize writing in English is
> a skill, and that particular training, experience, and education
> are needed to hone that skill, those same folks automatically
> assume that anyone who hails from a foreign land is automatically
> capable of authoring in their native tongue.
> It's amusing to notice this and even more amusing to point it
> out to those who make this mistake. Just as Americans can do poorly
> in school with English language skills and writing, so too can
> Italians do poorly with Italian language skills and writing . . ..

Indeed. I've dealt with clients who expected to find lots of Renaissance folk who could translate/localize software, doc and help; debug and fix the software/help; and while they're at it, could they re-DTP the docs as well please :-) Some have taken umbrage when I've suggested that such folk are quite hard to find.

> If 'twere me, and I cared, I'd ask all the necessary questions to get
> involved in or feel satisfied with the upcoming translation effort.
> Please let us know what plans were made and the direction your
> company took. I am holding out hope that I will hear of a company that
> did things the right way the first time.

Alas, there is no ONE right way - there are far too many variables to contend with. What's right for one project can end up costing you a fortune for another - it depends on what your hot criteria are. Project success will always be some function of cost, quality and time-to-market. Optimizing one of these criteria will generally adversely affect the other two. If you and your localization vendor don't agree on which is THE hot item, you've got a project failure.


From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000

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