Re: Technical Writing as Storytelling (?)

Subject: Re: Technical Writing as Storytelling (?)
From: Kim Nylander <nylanderk -at- IPIX -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 09:41:13 -0400

On 4/27/1999 8:36 AM, Justin Soles said:

>I'm curious as to whether anyone is taking or has taken this approach to
>technical writing. If so, how did you do it and what was the result? Reply
>onlist of off, your choice.

In my spare time, I write fiction. My tech writing supports my other
passions, so techniques I've learned from tech writing influence my
fiction, and vice versa. Like you said, it is a matter of engaging the
readers, presenting the problem, and ultimately, the solution. The same
is true in fiction.

I try to figure out a new user's approach to a software product by
looking at it from his or her point of view, "in character." I research
my "character" by talking to the sales people and learning the customer's
level of computer knowledge, educational background, profession, etc.
This influences how the documentation is written, and at what level. I
document imaging software: a manual for a photographer would be different
than one for real estate agents.

Technical Support personnel usually explain the conflicts--and the

I'll be interested to see the other responses. Very interesting question.


Kim Nylander

Technical Writer
Interactive Pictures
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(423) 482-3000

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