What makes a technical writer

Subject: What makes a technical writer
From: John Posada <jposada01 -at- YAHOO -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 06:39:25 -0700

About a week ago, I was having dinner with a friend
and she mentioned that someone had told her that "in
three hours, he could teach her everything he knew
about technical writing."

My response was "He must not know that much about tech
writing." ;-)

She then asked me "If you could describe one attribute
of a person that would indicate that they would make a
good software technical writer, what would that be?"

I thought about it for about 5 seconds, then said "If
you are using a software application and you've pushed
every button on the screen to see what would happen,
then you have a good start."

How far off was I?
John Posada
Western Union International
(w) jposada -at- westernunion -dot- com
(p) john -at- tdandw -dot- com
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