Re: What makes a technical writer

Subject: Re: What makes a technical writer
From: Michael Collier <mcollier -at- ARLUT -dot- UTEXAS -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 08:52:00 -0500

Way off, because your response describes a happy button pusher, without
showing the button pusher thinking about how to present the information
to the user, or considering what the user needs to know in order to use
the software.

Read Kim Nylander's post, which arrived in my mailbox seconds before

--I try to figure out a new user's approach to a software product by
--looking at it from his or her point of view, "in character." I
--my "character" by talking to the sales people and learning the
--level of computer knowledge, educational background, profession, etc.
--This influences how the documentation is written, and at what level.

Combine her approach and yours, and *then* you've got a good start!

John Posada wrote:
> She then asked me "If you could describe one attribute
> of a person that would indicate that they would make a
> good software technical writer, what would that be?"
> I thought about it for about 5 seconds, then said "If
> you are using a software application and you've pushed
> every button on the screen to see what would happen,
> then you have a good start."
> How far off was I?

Michael Collier Phone: 512-835-3408
Information Systems Laboratory FAX: 512-490-4254
ARL Office: AX207
University of Texas at Austin email: mcollier -at- arlut -dot- utexas -dot- edu

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