Word docs for everyone

Subject: Word docs for everyone
From: Matthew Bin <mattbin -at- HOTMAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 23:35:30 EDT

Hi folks. Got a bit of a problem here.

I wrote a small application in Word97 VBA for a marketing guy at our
company. This appication just runs a few forms and has a few buttons
that display marketing-type text. Very small, very simple, and above
all, very compact--117K for the whole thing. Makes it very e-mailable
and far more interesting (we think) than a mere document. More
interactive and so on you see. There are about 10 text boxes of
100-300 words each. I have used four forms to organise and display
this information.

The problem is that not everyone the marketing guy contacts has
Word97. (He contacts a lot of provincial and federal governmental
people, many of whom use Wordperfect, a Canadian product eh?). There
is no way I know of to convert VBA for use in earlier Word versions,
and the Word 97 is of a prohibitive size (roughly 3.8Mb). What to do?

We've thought about developing the same thing in another medium, say a
Macromedia product of some kind. However, I have no idea what is
involved there--size of finished file and so on.

My questions are:

1. Is there any way to cross Word 97 VBA to other versions?

2. Is there any other way to do this in some other format? I realise
that we could use real live Visual Basic (or, if I knew how, Visual
C++ or something like), but we were hoping to use something we already
have kicking around, or that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg.

The file must be less than 200K.

I'd appreciate any suggestions... thanks in advance!


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