transferring a website

Subject: transferring a website
From: Melonie Holliman <melonie -dot- holliman -at- TXEXMTA4 -dot- AMD -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 13:40:54 -0500


I searched the archives. I seem to remember a discussion
about this recently, but I could not find it.

Has anyone transferred a website onto CD? What did you
use? What type of problems did you encounter? How is
it different than transferring a site to your hard drive?
Do I need to include a browser? If so, will it have to be

We have a company trying to charge us BIG bucks to
do this for us. I just cannot believe it is that hard of a

Melonie R. Holliman
Technical Writer
CPD Marketing
Advanced Micro Devices

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