Re: Online help]

Subject: Re: Online help]
From: ellen ewald <eellen -at- IPCELL -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 08:36:09 -0500

I too would love to hear feedback on this queston. I am just starting out
in the world of online help. While I've written help text in the past, I
was never involved in the process of actually putting it into an
application. That was always done by the programmers I worked with. Thank

>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Online help
>Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 14:51:12 -0700
>From: Donna Williams <r3592z -at- EMAIL -dot- SPS -dot- MOT -dot- COM>
>Reply-To: Donna Williams <r3592z -at- EMAIL -dot- SPS -dot- MOT -dot- COM>
>Organization: Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector
>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Can anyone out there explain, from beginning to end, how a help file
>becomes functional help within a software application?
>Let me expand on that.
>My objective is to incorporate help into an inhouse application that is
>written in C code. The application runs on an OpenVMS platform.
>I have created the help project in ForeHelp.
>I will be using the OpenVMS version of Hyperhelp to compile and view the
>Once I compile the help file, how does it get linked to the application.
>I would also like the help to be context-sensitive. What is required
>from the developers for this to happen? What kinds of questions do I
>need to ask the developers?
>If you have actually gone through this entire process successfully, I
>would love to hear from you. Thusfar, I have only encountered writers
>who have the mapping given to them and they simply plug the numbers in
>as they create the help file. I need to know a little more than that.
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>fn: Donna Williams
>n: Williams;Donna
>email;internet: r3592z -at- email -dot- sps -dot- mot -dot- com
>title: Technical Writer
>note: Each and every experience, be it positive or negative,
>is an opportunity!
>x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
>x-mozilla-html: FALSE
>version: 2.1
>end: vcard
>From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000==
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