
Subject: WordPerfect2000
From: Susan Vineyard <vineyard -at- CHEROKEE -dot- NSUOK -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:18:50 -0500

Does anyone know if WordPerfect 2000 is actually released yet? I'm in
an anti-Microsoft camp and our standard is Corel Office. I was asked to
check out the new version and our sec/shopper says her vendors assure
her that WP2000 is shipping. However, a coworker just received a copy of
the beta yesterday and I wonder if the vendors just want our money and
its an "any day now" thing. I don't see where they say its released on
their page, either.

Also, I've heard that WP2000 has a dll that MS2000 will overwrite and/or
vice versa. As a result, you can't run them on the same machine. I use
Robohelp, so I have a good excuse to use MS Office. I'm getting ready
to install the WP2000 Beta today, and wonder if I'll have problems
running it and my MS Office 97 on the same partition? Does anyone know
if anyone plans to fix this conflict or if they like it? I'm running NT,
if that makes any difference.

Thanks for any information.

Curious in Oklahoma

org:Northeastern State University;Computing and Telecommunicaitons
email;internet:vineyard -at- cherokee -dot- nsuok -dot- edu
title:Technical Writer
fn:Susan Vineyard

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