Pricing services for class project

Subject: Pricing services for class project
From: Christina Downs <DOWNS -at- SERVICEWARE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 11:13:52 -0400

Hi! I'm doing a Strategic Plan for a Communications class, and the business
I've chosen to "invent" is a computing and documentation services company.
I think I have somewhat of an idea what to say I would charge clients (based
on some research), but I'd like some real-world feedback, to make sure it's

If you have a few minutes, can you please tell me what you think would be
appropriate to charge for the following services? (I'm pretending to create
this business in Pittsburgh, PA but would like to hear from people all

Computer Programming - I'm thinking around $50/hour?
Documentation (user manuals, etc., either online or print) - around
Combination of the 2 for a single client - around $60/hour?
Web design - around $50/hour?
Other technical writing services - from $30-60/hour, depending on the
specific job?

Or would I be better off setting prices PER JOB, rather than PER HOUR?

Please keep in mind that this is supposed to be a new company, so I don't
want to start charging too high in the beginning (before I'm, theoretically,
known in the industry). But I also don't want to estimate too low either.

I realize the professor probably won't know if my numbers are actually
correct, but I still want to be as accurate and realistic as possible!

Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate any feedback you can
give me.

Have a nice weekend! I know I will - the weather is supposed to be
beautiful in Pittsburgh!

> Chris
> Christina M. Downs
> Technical Writer, Content Development, ServiceWare Inc.
> 333 Allegheny Avenue, Oakmont, PA 15139
> Phone: 412-826-1158 x225 Fax: 412-826-0577
> E-mail: downs -at- serviceware -dot- com Web:

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