Re: FW: The Old Argument: Framemaker vs. MS Word
I've caught some flack for my (admittedly inaccurate) statement below. What
I meant to convey, which clearly I did not, was that I wouldn't rely upon
FrameMaker over the long term. I mean, the release notes in our version,
Frame 5.5.3, indicate that it shipped in 1998. With the exception of the
recent Linux-friendly version, I haven't seen much that indicates that Adobe
is particularly interested in the product. Besides, how Web-friendly can a
product be that has a spell-checker that does not include the term
Marc A. Santacroce
Senior Technical Writer/President
ePubs, Inc.
epubs -at- ricochet -dot- net
"Everything has a fifty percent probability; either it's going to happen, or it's not."
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