Re: STC'S Electronic Bulletin Board

Subject: Re: STC'S Electronic Bulletin Board
From: Faith Weber <weber -at- EASI -dot- ENET -dot- DEC -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1993 09:48:07 PDT

Regarding the cost issue Greg mentioned, which certainly could be
considered a deterrent, what I'd like to know is this:

What is the estimated annual cost of an Internet connection?
How many STC members are out there paying dues?

Using those two figures, it seems simple enough to find out what
kind of extra charge per member we'd need to put STC on the
Internet, and whether it would be possible to have a choice of
Internet and non-Internet memberships, etc.

I agree that CompuServe would be too limited. I do have full
Internet access at home, but not on CompuServe. I would feel pretty
deprived if I couldn't get to STC even though I am a practicing nerd
both at work and at home! (Ah, but when do I become a professional

I'm glad folks are bringing up some of the issues that might prevent
STC from setting up on Internet. This way those of us who do write
letters on this subject will know which points to argue, rather than
just saying "We want this because it makes sense and everyone's
doing it"!

Faith Weber
weber -at- easi -dot- enet -dot- dec -dot- com

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