Re[2]: Using the Term "User"

Subject: Re[2]: Using the Term "User"
From: Bonni Graham <Bonni_Graham_at_Enfin-SD -at- RELAY -dot- PROTEON -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1993 13:20:00 EST

Richard Howland-Bolton notes:
"I have never heard any complaints before--maybe a slight wryness perhaps, but
no complaints. I suppose my users have been frightened that I'll pull the plug
on them :-)"

Hey, the first hit's free.... <grin>

Bonni Graham |
Technical Writer |
Easel Corporation, ENFIN Technology Lab |
Bonni_Graham_at_Enfin-SD -at- relay -dot- proteon -dot- com | flush, v. Align type to the
President, San Diego STC | left or right, thereby
| beating a pair of aces
NOTE: apparently my email address needs |
to be typed exactly as it appears here, | --Ezra Shapiro
punctuation and all, or the system gets |
upset. |

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