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Subject:Re: Multimedia - what and when? From:Fred M Jacobson <fred -at- BOOLE -dot- COM> Date:Thu, 23 Dec 1993 15:59:03 PST
Multimedia is fast becoming a meaningless marketing-hype word.
I've already seen "multimedia" diskette holders that hold both
3.5" and 5.25" disks! (Get it? Multi-media! Great, huh?)
If we know how to determine what information our users want and
need and how to deliver it to them efficiently and effectively,
we can contribute to decisions about when and where to use
multimedia. I was on a CD-ROM task force that discussed a project
to put hardware docs on CD-ROM so field service workers would only
need to lug around a lap-top with a CD-ROM drive instead of
dozens of hardware manuals. They were looking for something glitzy
to put on the CD-ROM. I suggested that they could use the
engineering drawings to generate 3-D animations showing how to
access hard-to-reach parts of the equipment. This sort of thing
could replace exploded views and isometric cut-away drawings.
Would it be better? Maybe not for experienced personnel. Maybe
new techs would need less training. In any case, it takes someone
who is used to trying to get information across in lots of different
ways to think of "new" ways to present useful info.
So maybe we're "information engineers" after all.
INTERNET: fred -at- boole -dot- com PHONE: (408) 526-3292 FAX: (408) 526-3055
USPS: Fred Jacobson / Boole & Babbage / 3131 Zanker Road / San Jose CA 95134