
Subject: Apologies
From: "Cheng, Derek" <Cderek -at- GATE-HAL -dot- PSD -dot- SYMBOL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 08:48:22 EDT

Recently, I posted a passage from a manual that I made some off-hand
remarks about. I would like to state for the record that this is not
applicable to what we do now. If I have upset anyone with it, gave any
erroneous conclusions about it, or otherwise, I am deeply sorry.

The people I work with are a marvelous team. They are intelligent and
charismatic. Above all, they are good writers, passionate about their
profession. What was it E.B.White said? "It is rare that you meet someone
who's both a friend and a good writer..." Not in my life. And they had
nothing to do with the passage that was posted. That was a bad memory
from a long time ago.

I suppose it is like when your mom brings out pictures of you when you
were 11 or 12 and you have uncombed hair, bad clothes, and braces (or in
my case a retainer [yike! the secret's out!]). You become embarassed of
something that was beyond your responsibility or control. Something
laughable of the past. The company I work for used to be like that, the
awkward adolescent. But now, we're stylin'. We're like a Sinatra and Bono
duet. Smooth, like a flowing river. Cool, like a minty... mint (sorry, I
was pressed for an example).

I hope I am able to alleviate any doubt about our company in terms of
documentation. We're still growing in our understanding, but the perfect
documents are within our reach. We're definitely going to get there...

| "Y'know ol' blue eyes, you'll never win..." |
| -Bono, w/Sinatra "I've Got You Under My Skin" |
cderek -at- psd -dot- symbol -dot- com

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