Re: temperature-range style

Subject: Re: temperature-range style
From: "Charles P. Campbell" <cpc -at- MAILHOST -dot- NMT -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 17:21:44 -0600

>Which is correct, and why?
>1. ... for use in temperatures 50 to 250oF.
>2. ... for use in temperatures 50o to 250oF.
>3. ... for use in temperatures 50oF to 250oF.
>where o equals the degree symbol.

At least one current style dispenses with the degree symbol and
writes the temperature as 50F (or 10C, or 483K). I thought this practice
was now common, but I'm stranded away from my style books and
can't prove it.

In the context of the sentence above, which already identifies
"temperatures" before giving the numbers, I'd be inclined to agree
with Louise's argument--go for #1. I.e., readers will cogi
cognitively grasp the range before the scale.

~r sig

Chuck Campbell, PhD cpc -at- nmt -dot- edu
Technical Communication Program 505-835-5284
Humanities Department, New Mexico Tech
Socorro, NM 87801
"No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money."
--Samuel Johnson, 5 April 1776

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