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Re: Warnings...from the twilight zone (was Re: Re: Warnings)
Subject:Re: Warnings...from the twilight zone (was Re: Re: Warnings) From:Matt Ion <soundy -at- NEXTLEVEL -dot- COM> Date:Sat, 13 Jan 1996 06:29:29 0800
In <96Jan12 -dot- 040927-0800pdt -dot- 165252+9961 -at- aphex -dot- direct -dot- ca>, on 01/10/96 at
07:03 PM,
John Hedtke <jhedtke -at- OZ -dot- NET> said:
>There's also a warning I've noticed recently on the never-ending towel
>dispensers in public bathrooms enjoining the user from sticking his
>head in the loop of towels and hanging himself. (Not having been in a
>public women's bathroom for a while, I can only assume that this will
>apply in theory to women, too, though I'd hope that half the species
>would be smarter than that.)
Washroom warnings are the best. In most towns/cities/municipalities here in
BC, it's now a bylaw that any place that serves alcohol post a sign stating
that "Consuming alcohol during pregrancy can harm the baby and cause birth
defects" or shtick to that effect... in BOTH the women's AND MEN'S
Now that cigarette packages have to have big, bold, blatant warnings on
them, most male smokers I know (at least those with a sense of humor) tend
to single out the ones with the "SMOKING DURING PREGNANCY CAN HARM THE BABY"
labels. Obviously, that warning doesn't apply to them! :-)
Your friend and mine,
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