Re: Resume

Subject: Re: Resume
From: "L. Burnham O'Donald" <lodonald -at- PRIMENET -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 19:23:47 -0400

John Vaughan wrote:
> Concerning my earlier comments:
> >I am in the process of revamping my resume right now, and it would be
> quite helpful if I could see a few examples of resumes from people in this
> field. Also, any helpful hints would be nice.
> I have updated the resume. I had to get it out quick. It is viewable at
> and can be downloaded as a pdf file to see the real format. Again, any
> comments are welcome and needed. Thanks.


I quickly looked over your resume and two things jump out: First,
"creative technical writer" is a don't-fit condition. That combination
doesn't fly -- tech writers aren't supposed to be "creative" (they can
be, but it's not something you wanna publicize); creative is a term much
more suited to marketing communication types. Second, I'd refrain from
calling your experience "strong". To me that implies numerous years of
experience in writing manuals and a wide range of projects. Yes, you're
off to a good start; just be a little more modest. And how are you going
to explain your previous life as a financial type? The resume isn't the
place, but I'd certainly explain it in a cover letter, which you are no
doubt planning to send. Something along the lines of how your financial
experience has afforded you with the opportunities to hone your
analytical skills, etc.

Also, did you mention your employer? I didn't see it. And I would
rewrite some of the material under the titles of the manuals in order to
form complete sentences. "Created pdf files and web pages re same." is a
tad abrupt.

Good luck!
Louise O'Donald
lodonald -at- primenet -dot- com

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