"co-maker", what does it mean to you

Subject: "co-maker", what does it mean to you
From: "E,T, Hull" <ethull -at- WORLDACCESS -dot- NL>
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 11:56:34 +0200

Help needed from the States, England and Canada

The word "co-maker"? is a fashionable word among machine builders in
Holland. What they mean by this is: a machine builder which works with,
let's say, a producer of candy bars to design and build the candy bar
production machines. The idea is, that the machine builder is totally
responsible for tihe design, construction, installation and maintenance of
the macinines, freeing the candy bar producer to concentrate on its core
business - making and selling candy bars..

Obviously, the machine builder is a contractor of the candy bar producer.
My feeling is that the word "co-maker" does not say this at all but rather,
it implies a sort of joint-venture in building something.

Have any of you heard this word before and if so, what is the meaning of it
in English speaking countries? Is there a better word for this?

Ed Hull

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