Re: "co-maker", what does it mean to you

Subject: Re: "co-maker", what does it mean to you
From: "Parks, Beverly" <ParksB -at- EMH1 -dot- HQISEC -dot- ARMY -dot- MIL>
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 09:18:23 -0700

>E,T, Hull[SMTP:ethull -at- WORLDACCESS -dot- NL] wrote:
> The word "co-maker"? is a fashionable word among machine builders in
>Holland. What they mean by this is: a machine builder which works with,
>let's say, a producer of candy bars to design and build the candy bar
>production machines. The idea is, that the machine builder is totally
>responsible for tihe design, construction, installation and maintenance of
>the macinines, freeing the candy bar producer to concentrate on its core
>business - making and selling candy bars..
> Obviously, the machine builder is a contractor of the candy bar producer.
>My feeling is that the word "co-maker" does not say this at all but rather,
>it implies a sort of joint-venture in building something.
> Have any of you heard this word before and if so, what is the meaning of it
>in English speaking countries? Is there a better word for this?

No, never heard the word before. Sounds kinda like the candy bar maker
is a consultant to the machine maker. In the sense that they both "make
things", I guess you could call them co-makers. ;-) Maybe "partner"
would work? My gut feeling is that the terms "consultant" and "adviser"
are being purposely avoided because they hint at a hierarchical
relationship instead of an equal relationship, thus the prefix co-.

>Bev Parks
>parksb -at- emh1 -dot- hqisec -dot- army -dot- mil
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