Re: Manual non-standard font question

Subject: Re: Manual non-standard font question
From: John Posada <posada -at- FAXSAV -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 13:21:55 -0500

I was waiting until I saw all of the messages before throwing in my 2 cents.

Barry is right. Take a representative sample and format it the way he wants. With a search and replace, that should be easy. Infact, in my documentation, I italicize all instances of my company name. It doesn't appear that many times---maybe three times for every 5 pages?. However, I use Frame and I have a character style called FaxSav.

I mark all instances with this style. Should I be requested to make a change global, I can do so with the push of a button (so to speak). Do this for 50 or 60 pages, make the change he wants, then show a couple of alternatives. Leave them with him to absorb the "look". He might come back with an alternative (or, heaven forbid, work on an alternative WITH you that you and he can live with.

However, it is and always will be his document.

On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, Tom Herme wrote:

> My marketing manager wants to format every instance of the product name in Brush Script
> and give a superscript appearance to the 32.

Give the Marketing Manager what she (he?) asked for.

If it is distracting, point it out. If the Marketing Manager loves it
anyway - give um' what they want.

John Posada, Technical Writer (and proud of the title)
The world's premier Internet fax service company: The FaxSav Global Network
-work -personal
-work mailto:posada -at- faxsav -dot- com -personal mailto:john -at- tdandw -dot- com
-work phone: 732-906-2000 X2296 -home phone: 732-291-7811
My opinions are mine, and neither you nor my company can take credit for them.

HEY! Are you coming to the NJ TechWriter lunch? So far, about 10
of us are. Ask me about it.

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