PDF reactionaries...

Subject: PDF reactionaries...
From: Jim McAward <jimmc -at- CHYRON -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 11:13:14 -0500


Thanks for your posting regarding the February 16 Network World editorial
about PDFs.

Like Mister Gibbs, I've been ticked off getting a simple letter or press
release in PDF format. Overkill, I thought!

However - I cannot imagine a more useful way to present LOTS of print-based
information than PDF. We publish every book we write in PDF; the largest
books are in the 800-page range. I'd love to see the horror show an 800
page HTML file would be - changing all the resolution-independent
Illustrator images to non-scalable bitmaps, losing the impact of well-made
font choices, etc. Oh, and don't forget losing the ability to print out a
file and having it look like a printed copy - not a code listing!

Gibbs might go on to argue that an 800 page manual is inherently useless
since, after all, it's too long. Since this is not the forum to lecture
about the increasing complexity in our technological world, I'll let him

Regardless, we have had great success with the PDF format for both shorter
and our longest documents - and our customers agree.

Have a wonderful day,



James G. McAward
Manager, Technical Publications
Chyron Corporation

"So many facts, so little time!"

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