Re: Vertical lines in screen captures

Subject: Re: Vertical lines in screen captures
From: Geoff Lane <geoff -at- GJCTECH -dot- FORCE9 -dot- NET>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 09:27:14 +0100

Lucinda Metzger wrote:

> The problem is that when I print the manuals, there are vertical lines
> running through the screen captures. At first I thought it was because
> I've had to reduce some of the captures to 75%, but the lines still
> appear when I print them at 100%. The lines aren't visible when I look
> at the captures on my monitor -- only when I print. The lines don't
> appear if I print the captures from Windows Paint at 100%, but they do
> appear when I print them from Corel PhotoPaint at 100%. I've tried
> saving the files as 16 colors, as 256 colors, as TIFF, as PCX, you name
> it, and nothing makes a difference. What am I missing here????

This sounds like interference between the dithering that the software uses
and dithering that the printer uses. Zoom right in to one of the
troublesome screen shots. Are parts of the screen shot coloured with a
pattern? If so, then interference is probably the culprit.

You may be able to solve the problem by increasing the colour depth on your
computer. Experiment by setting the video colour depth to 16-bit or higher
and then redoing one capture. If this doesn't solve the problem, the
software is using dithering at all resolutions.

These vertical lines may not appear in the final output. Can you check by
getting a quick 'proof' from the printer/typesetter that will finally print
your work?


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
geoff -at- gjctech -dot- force9 -dot- net

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