FW: Vertical lines in screen captures

Subject: FW: Vertical lines in screen captures
From: "Metzger, Lucinda" <cmetzger -at- DUKANE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 12:22:37 -0500

A quick THANK YOU to everyone who provided ideas about my vertical line
problem in printed screen shots (snipped summary below). I'm up to my
ears in alligators right now, but when this deadline passes I will post
a summary of the suggestions to the list. BTW, my quick and dirty fix
will be to distill the doc into PDF format, then print the PDF file.
Many thanks to the kind soul who suggested this -- I should have thought
of that...

cmetzger -at- dukane -dot- com


The problem is that when I print the manuals, there are vertical lines
running through the screen captures. At first I thought it was because
I've had to reduce some of the captures to 75%, but the lines still
appear when I print them at 100%. The lines aren't visible when I look
at the captures on my monitor -- only when I print. The lines don't
appear if I print the captures from Windows Paint at 100%, but they do
appear when I print them from Corel PhotoPaint at 100%. I've tried
saving the files as 16 colors, as 256 colors, as TIFF, as PCX, you name
it, and nothing makes a difference. What am I missing here????


From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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