Linking to Framed Document

Subject: Linking to Framed Document
From: Brian Flaherty <brflah -at- COPELCO -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 09:38:36 -0400

Quick and dirty advice on this as follows:

To load an HTML page into a different frame or window:

<a href=" target="Main">

This code snippet loads the page mypage.htm into the frame (or window)
named "Main".

To reset the frameset, use target="_top" (or to exit the existing

To got to the very first or parent frameset, use target="_parent".

This is the non-Java/JavaScript way to do it.

Of course, using Java/JavaScript, you would rely on the frame[n] array:

Example: onClick="parent.frames[1].frameTwoFunc()" where TwoFunc activates
in the frame parent.frames[1].

NOTE: Array counts start at zero (0) not 1. So, the frames array starts at
frame[0], frame[1], frame[2], ...frame[n] (and so on). (Frame names can
also be used in place of frame[n].)

Hope this helps.


ICS (Paramus, NJ, USA)

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