Frame, CSS and Netscape

Subject: Frame, CSS and Netscape
From: Brian Flaherty <brflah -at- COPELCO -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 09:29:19 -0400

Never used Frame to generate HTML or web site, but I have worked on web
sites and have extensive CSS background. So, I know the problems of the IE
vs. NN variety that pop-up whenever you design a web site.

First, understand that, what works in IE does not always translate 100
percent to NN. Also, both browsers have only partial support for CSS1
(although this is suppose to change with IE and NN 5.x which will provide
full CSS2 support). Sounds as if you are using IE as the primary browser
(that is, designing to IE).

Use NN as your primary browser and design your site around NN. I usually
found that if I code to NN, it translate much more smoothly and completely
to IE (but not 100 percent; at best, 95 percent).

Also, take "generic" design approaches. For example, use CSS positioning
to layer graphical elements on web pages as opposed to relying on the
<LAYER> tag (which is only supported by NN but not IE). Use Javascript as
opposed to VBScript (or ActiveX) for scripting. Javascript is more likely
to be processed "equally" between the two Big Browsers as opposed to
VBScript or ActiveX (which tend to be biased to Microsoft and MS-related
platforms). You can use the Javascript Object() method to create functions
and procedures that are "equalized" between IE and NN.

Hope this helps!

Brian Flaherty
ICS - Paramus, NJ (USA)

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